
LeTV Le 1s is also known as LeTV 1s, LeTV X500, LeTV X501. and other X50x Variants.
This device Comes With there Own EUI Interface it looks Like Clone Of MIUI And IOS But In Performance Mode No any other Device Can Beat This Brand That's Le-Eco. 

Now you can Root Le 1S without PC Easy with Step By Step Guide.

NOTE: Rooting will Avoid your Device Warranty. Iam not Responsible for Any Damage

Things You Need:

> Le 1s X(509) OR X(50x) Any Other variants

> Kingroot Latest Link is Given Below The Post.

Device Must be running on Android Lollipop 5.X


  1. Goto Settings>About Phone (Tap repeatedly On Build number Untill you see The You are already a Devoloper now Toast.
  2. Then go back you will see a Devoloper Option inside Setting open that and Enable  Usb debugging.
  3. Now Download Kingroot From Below Link and install (while installing it will gives you some Error click more and allow the Unsafe install)
  4. Now Open The App and click on START ROOT
  5. Wait some while untill its show you Root Successfully.

Here is the Video to Root Le1s (Please Share and Subscribe My Youtube Channel)


 Root le 1 letv 1 leeco 1
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